Monday 10 January 2011

Long Time No See

Happy New Year 
it's been a while so here is a little bit of humour to entertain. If your feeling bored or need a good laugh. Check this out

This is a very entertaining blog. 


Monday 23 August 2010

I've been teaching myself concept art. I recently got hold of a few books describing how to achieve the kind of marker pen style this kind of work has. The most helpful is a book by Doug Chiang called Mechanika. This guy was the art director for the Star Wars Episode One film. He shows a very efficient workflow in the book and I have adapted this to create the image above.

I'll be adding this to the Concept Art section of my website soon

Monday 17 May 2010

This is a logo by Creative Sponge. I love the intricacy of the dragon and the way the text works with it. The g of daragon being one of the serifs of hall. All in all a beautiful design.

I thought I'd list a few of my inspirations, first up is the Matrix, a film that redefined how action films look. If the amount of parodies and homages are anything to go by, then the impact of these films on the world cannot be overlooked.

Next up is Salvador Dali, a true genius with the requisite madness thrown in. I've always admired his style of painting, depicting a surreal subject with a classical look.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers. A band that has experienced so much tragedy and yet never given up. They deserve to be at the top of their field and combine excellent musical style with a surreal presentation. Always putting more thought into what they do, than they needed to. They had trouble being understood during the early years, but their persistence has paid of. There's a lesson here :-P

This one is eyes. There has always been something interesting about eyes. How did they evolve? How did the steps necessary to lead to a pair of eyes offer an evolutionary advantage to the creature? Yet nearly every creature has them. I chose this picture to represent eyes because like the cat I have heterochromatic eyes. I'm also inspired by cats, a more self obsessed animal is hard to think of, and yet they are loved and adored by many people. If a company could inspire such devotion from it;s customers it would be very successful.

Monday 10 May 2010


Hi there all,

Just a short note to let you know about my new website, it has some examples of what I am and have been working on, check it out and let me know what you think. Please bear in mind that it is a work in progress, so still some glitches to iron out, it is always helpful to have these pointed out in case I have overlooked anything! So thats the website and along with all my other projects, I am gearing up for that last push to the end of term, and the course!



Tuesday 27 April 2010

Here is another drawing done with my Wacom tablet. This time I used Photoshop and I have to admit that the results are better than when using Autodesk's sketchbook. The tools in Photoshop do need to be set up properly though.

Friday 23 April 2010

This is an image by Radim Malinic, I love the vectors mixed with photography. It creates a vibrant, interesting image that makes me look for longer. The colour scheme work beautifully and the typography blends with the composition perfectly.